Enjoyed this. We overlapped at THR. I started as an intern my senior year at USC in the fall of 1981 and continued through the summer of 1982. Martin Kent was editor when I started and Bruce Binkow when I left. It was certainly an interesting experience. I wrote about it here: https://tomhuntington.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/hey-now/

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Hi Jeff, I worked in THR's NY bureau in 1986. We met a couple of times when you were at USA Today (Rich Zacks a mutual friend). You describe it perfectly: "Competition was fierce, unlike anything I ever experienced anywhere else, at any other time. Like heart-thumping, every morning intense." It was the only newspaper "war" I've been involved in. It so felt like one. Instead of red circles, I'd get "the call" from LA. And the cozying up. Pat the saleswoman would also visit NY and attend Cannes and plead for the same puff coverage in support of advertisers.

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